Pain is Beauty

So, today is the one year anniversary of the release of Chelsea WolfePain Is Beauty, and to commemorate that she has released a new video for Kings.

She has also reduced the download price of the album on bandcamp to just $3.99! Three days only so get it now, it is one of my favorite releases of the last year, I highly recommend it. Just ignore all of the lame Lorde loving fake new goth girls that have latched on to her lately. (Oooh, I’m so witchy. I’m gonna play with my tarot cards and talk about the moon all the damn time.) It’s great for her sales, but is unfortunate for her image as a good artist.
I’m sorry if that offends anyone (not really) but in case you haven’t noticed already, I hate most people and I’m irritated by everything.
I am a very pleasant person.



I have some other exciting news, that might help to mitigate the bitterness that I just spewed above at half of the young female population of the world. I will be putting up some new posts by a guest writer who could possibly become part of the family here. This means that we will hopefully be getting posts at more regular intervals than the somewhat sporadic rate at which I have been releasing mine. I understand that he is an avid movie watcher like me, so we might also be adding a movie review section as well. I am getting a little ahead of myself here though.
Here’s to the future.

— JS

Pyramids/Horseback and The Observatory

I’m kind of busy right now, so just listen to this and think of me.



As always, show your appreciation and support the artists when you can.


Also, if you are in the Oklahoma City area, I am contributing a couple of small pieces to the SOCIETY’s third anniversary show. Alexandra has some stuff in there too. Come by and check out some arts and musics, it’s free.


Friday August 8th 7:00pm – 11:oopm @ the SOCIETY in the Plaza

1609 Blackwelder Ave. #4

Oklahoma City, OK


Maybe I’ll see you there.

Until next time.

— JS